Portz Award
The Maryland Collegiate Honors Council (MCHC) is pleased to sponsor Portz Awards each year for Outstanding Honors Students at Two-Year and Four-Year institutions in Maryland. One award is designated for an honors student at a two-year Maryland college, and the other for an honors student at a four-year college or university in the state. Each award carries a stipend of $500.
The three parameters of the award are
Initiative and leadership in the honors program, the institution, and/or the community;
Grade point average (overall and in honors courses); and
Academic excellence as illustrated by a project submitted for honors credit.
These categories are mentioned explicitly in the nomination form and should be addressed in the letters of recommendation. The two MCHC awards for Outstanding Maryland Honors Students are given to well-rounded honors students, only one component of whose nomination is the project.
Nominations are currently closed.